Surrounded by dear friends and cherished clients, we gathered in our Sydney CBD studio for a truly special evening—one dedicated to celebrating love in all its forms and unveiling our With Great Love Collection in person.


with great love event


From the moment our guests arrived, the studio was filled with warmth, conversation, and the shared joy of reconnecting. Seeing our long-time clients—many of whom have been part of RUUSK’s journey for years—experience the new collection up close was incredibly meaningful. These are the very women who inspire what we create, and to share this moment with them felt like the perfect way to honour this collection’s heart and intention.


with great love event


As golden hour cast its glow, guests admired the delicate details of our With Great Love necklaces, tried on pieces that resonated with their own stories, and toasted to love, connection, and the beauty of meaningful heirlooms.

To everyone who joined us—thank you. Your presence, stories, and shared love for what we do mean the world. We hope this collection becomes a part of your story, carried close as a reminder of all the love that shapes your life.

With Great Love, always.

with great love necklaces

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