RUUSK couples - Callin & James

RUUSK Couples
Meet Callin and her husband James, RUUSK’s very first Bride and Groom.

How did you both meet?
We met at a mutual friend’s 18th Birthday, when my best friend introduced me to him as the guy who had been ‘tutoring’ her in legal studies.
(I later found out this was definitely not his forte)

Where & when did you get married? - tell us a little bit about your day
We got married in the middle of winter in 2014. We had a wedding in a cute little sandstone church on the northern beaches, followed by the reception across the road from Manly beach. Even though it was freezing, we didn’t feel a thing! Our highlight was definitely when we arrived at the reception, sitting back and looking around the room at our closest friends and family and were taken back at how rare it is to have (almost) everyone you love in the same room!
It was so special to share not only in our love, but everyone else’s as well!

Tell us all about the details of your ring, what was the process like for you, what are your favourite aspects of your pieces?
Callin: My ring is my favourite tangible memory of my wedding day and a reminder of the promise I have made to James. I see something new in it each time I look at it - the love, effort and time that went into has a lifetime of stories to tell. I see it differently each day as it grows with me. I love it and never take it off!
The process of getting the ring made was so enjoyable, it was on the journey with me as I was planning the wedding (which can be stressful), but my ring appointments always brought me so much joy and excitement!

James: I love the silver matte finish on my ring. I also enjoy that it’s a modern but classic finish that I can pass down one day. Tania put a nice personal touch by engraving our letters inside of the rings. It’s a great reminder of the vows we made on our wedding day.

What do your rings mean to you?
They have become extensions of us – I couldn’t imagine my or James’ hand without them on. They each have a unique touch representing the different aspects of our personalities mine being a bit more playful and James’ being quite organic but calculated at the same time. Tania truly captured us in each of the rings! We see them as heirloom pieces, and can’t wait to see them making their way down the family one day.

Any words of wisdom for engaged couples?
It’s not just about the wedding day, it’s about creating a strong foundation together with the people around you for a lifetime of love!

Handmade wedding rings by RUUSK, Callin and James photography by Alex Carlyle

Handmade wedding rings by RUUSK, Callin and James

Handmade wedding rings by RUUSK, Callin and James's wedding by Alex Carlyle

See more of Callin & Jame's gorgeous day on WHITE MAGAZINE
Photography by Alex Carlyle

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