The Story of RUUSK

 Getting in front of the camera can always be a little nerve-wracking, even more so when you're being filmed for the first time! So, it's fair to say, I was a little nervous before the big day. Luckily, with my darling friend Laura Marii behind the camera, the nerves soon settled and we pretty much laughed the day away!  I'm absolutely thrilled to have her working on this project with me.

It feels amazing to know that the video is now well underway and that soon I'll be able to share a little bit of my story, philosophy and life/design experiences with you. Whilst Laura works on creating some amazing video magic, she's surprised me with some candid photos from the day to share with you. Lau you are such a superstar!

Hopefully these beautiful images will give you a little feel for what's to come, and a first glance into my RUUSK world.
Video is coming soon...



Tania Gnecchi Designer and Jeweller RUUSK
Tania Gnecchi Designer and Jeweller RUUSK
Tania Gnecchi Designer and Jeweller RUUSK
Tania Gnecchi Designer and Jeweller RUUSK
Tania Gnecchi Designer and Jeweller RUUSK
Tania Gnecchi Designer and Jeweller RUUSK
Photos by Laura Marii

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