The Unseen x RUUSK

When the lovely Caitlyn from the Unseen asked to include some of our pieces in her upcoming campaign shoot, we couldn't have been more thrilled. It's always such a pleasure to collaborate with beautiful brands especially ones aiming to inspire and do good.

The Unseen is a sustainable and ethical underwear range celebrating diversity and supporting women caught in crisis and the cycle of homelessness. They have a big vision to create change and have been selected as one of ING’s Dreamstarter brands- a crowdfunding program that allows them to use community support to succeed in their valuable mission.

It's with great pleasure that we introduce you to Caitlyn, The Unseen's founder, in our interview on her inspiration behind starting the company and the importance of authentically celebrating women's bodies.

Caitlyn, designer and owner of The Unseen, Sydney AUSWhat inspired you to start the Unseen?

It was a time in my life when I really began to question so much about the world; the way we consume, what we value, where we’re headed as a society and wanting to ask more of it. Underwear wasn’t something I ever intended to create, but it coincided with a few too many catalysts and candid conversations about a whole lot of underwear dilemmas, and I wound up unable to fathom how the underwear industry was still getting it so wrong. But what followed was not just a desire to really challenge that, but somewhere, enough belief that I thought I could. I signed myself up for one wild ride to get here (because sustainable and ethical business is not a simple and straightforward path to pave) but the vision and mission just keep growing and I’m really excited to be sharing it all soon!

campaign for the Unseen wearing RUUSK jewelry

What does empowerment mean to you?

Ridding ourselves of fear and the layers of inhibitions we might carry around with us, and recognising that we already have the potential within ourselves. I’ve watched people close to me endure so much more than you think one could, but as they rise and pave their way through it all they uncover more power within themselves than they ever thought they had. To me, empowerment isn’t handed to us, it’s about what we recognise and believe we’re capable of because that’s where our magic happens!

campaign for the Unseen, Sydney AUS

How does The Unseen celebrate women?

Underwear used to be more about function and serving us throughout our most intimate and personal moments. Today, in our very digital world, it’s become another visual commodity and what you’re wearing underneath is somehow somebody else’s business. I wanted The Unseen to celebrate the unfiltered versions of ourselves. It’s about reminding us to own it all unapologetically- we’re not going to be defined by our options or boxed into one kind of rule, because underwear should be effortless and the most comfortable and satisfying thing you wear in your day. It’s first on, last off! 

The Unseen is about being ready for wherever the day might take you and having that comfort, security and confidence to flow with it. Each piece is about laying the foundations for you and how you show up in your day, but with subtle statements and silhouettes that really compliment how we feel and what we’re wearing on top. The way I see it- if we do the groundwork, you can do whatever the hell you want! 

The Unseen campaign, Ruusk jewelry Sydney

How do you show yourself acts of self-love and self-care?

Good wholesome chats, as much laughter as possible, and soaking up time with that small circle of people in your life that really tune in, listen and expand with you. I do my best to dabble in acts of self-care, but I’m no success story. For me, the greatest love and care I can show myself lies in how I tread with my mind. It’s the conversations you’re present with, the silences that you allow yourself, and the people you let in and the ones you shut out. Just savouring the moments that help me to rise, shift perspective and energise me each day is what I try to practice most. 

RUUSK jewelry campaign for the Unseen

Why do you think it’s important to invest in well-made underwear?

For women, underwear is notoriously hard to shop for. We’re done with visible panty lines, but the seamless empire is just a world of nasty synthetic fibres. You’re hunting for something ‘nude’ that won’t be seen underneath your whites but your options are beige, and a whole lot more beige! Then, if you’re becoming more conscious of your purchases, something friendly on the planet, people and your privates becomes key but - ohh hello granny panties and VPLs! And I should not forget the urge for pretty and sexy- until it’s frilly with a dash of teen spirit and it’s slicing its way up your hips!’s a confusing under-world out there! 

So, YES- well-made underwear is a game changer! It should come down to more than how it looks on an ‘angel’; it should be considerate of you, of the people who’ve worked to make it what it is, and then each and every day it’s lived in! Well-made and well-considered underwear is so necessary and I think, the very least we deserve!

campaign for the Unseen, Sydney

To find out more and to support The Unseen Label's Crowdfunding campaign please visit their ING’s Dreamstarter campaign and @theunseenlabel 


All images courtesy of The Unseen Label
Photography by @siystudio 

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