Tania's Tiny True North Necklace for her daughter Noa
We bring you a story close to our heart today, of our beautiful founder Tania who created a very special necklace to hold onto for her daughter Noa. We watched Tania's pregnant belly grow in the studio and are here now as she makes her way into the studio with sweet little baby Noa who is the happiest, sweetest soul.
Tania creates modern heirlooms; pieces to be treasured forever and passed down through the generations — how lucky Noa is to have a Mum like Tania.
Here is Tania's story of the modern heirloom she created for her most precious creation yet.

I have always been drawn to the intimate stories that our jewellery can hold for us. When I fell pregnant with my daughter Noa, I knew that I wanted to have a special piece made to celebrate her arrival into the world. I wanted to create a piece that I could wear and cherish until she was old enough to treasure it herself. In the meantime, I’m honoured to be the custodian of her precious heirloom.
Tell us about your special piece?
I’ve always believed that necklaces can be a great source of strength and comfort. There’s something almost magical about wearing a pendant and being able to rub it between your fingers when in need of soothing or calming. I knew that I wanted to wear a necklace during Noa’s birth, a piece to ground me and to act as a talisman during my transition from maiden to mother. I was instantly drawn to our Tiny True North Pendant deciding that this would be the perfect piece to celebrate her arrival. Her pendant features a star-set Diamond, to represent that we are all ‘born from stars’ and a hand engraved N on the reverse. Perhaps one day she’ll be able to draw strength and comfort from this same necklace when and if she too dives into the dance of childbirth.

Noa's personalised Tiny True North Necklace
How did you feel when you wore your necklace for the first time?
I was so excited when my necklace was finally ready for me to wear, and just in time too as Noa was born only a few days later. It’s so special knowing that I wore this necklace as I swayed through labour, a timeless place of breath and meditation as she entered the world. She’s now 6 months old and I think it will be so nice for her to be able to look back at photos from the start of her life seeing me wear her special piece.
What knowledge and life lessons would you like to pass down to Noa?
To follow her passions and dreams and to not be afraid to pursue the life she desires.
That even small acts of kindness can change her world and that of others.
That we are all connected, we are just on different journeys, with different experiences.
Treat others with the same kindness and love that we all deserve.

What have you learnt from motherhood so far?
Being a mother is one of the hardest and most beautiful things I’ve ever done. Sleep deprivation has been really challenging but I would go to the ends of the world and back for her. I have a newfound appreciation for all the mothers out there who show up day after day trying to do their very best for their little ones. It’s taught me to let go, to ask for help, to slow down, to embrace mess and chaos, to live in the moment. It’s a blurry love-filled journey and I’m constantly learning.
Message to Noa
My darling one, I can’t wait to meet the woman you will become. I love you. Thank you for choosing me.
Did you know? You can customise any of our pieces with your choice of stone, stone setting & stone placement! Contact us to discuss all the beautiful details of your unique, handmade heirloom.